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Into the Cosmos Page 51

  Kotek, Joel, 219

  katyusha system, 18–19, 38

  Kotkin, Stephen, 299n80

  Keldysh, Mstislav, 146

  Kovalenko, R., 201

  Kennedy, Caroline, 144

  Kovalevskaia, Sofiia, 208

  Kennedy, John F., 24, 144, 147–48, 166,

  Kozlova, Natalia, 10

  247, 248

  Krasin, Leonid, 33

  KGB, 88, 92, 96, 101

  Krasnaia zvezda (Red star) (newspaper), 40,

  Khrunov, Evgenii, 103

  114, 143

  Khrushchev, Nikita, and Khrushchev era,

  Krokodil (magazine), 201

  147; anti-religion campaign of, 11, 166,

  Krupskaia, Nadezhda Konstantinovna, 183

  176–77, 183–84, 192; and consumerism, Kudriavka (dog), 139

  213–39; and cosmonauts, 40, 43, 75–79, Kugno, Eduard, 98

  81, 96, 118–19, 205–6; and de-Staliniza- Kurchatov, Igor, 39

  tion, 26, 79, 83, 104–5, 120, 124, 176,

  214, 218, 221, 238, 245; and GDR, 245,

  Laika (dog), 5, 10, 40, 55, 133, 137, 140–41,

  247–48, 250, 254; and missile program,

  146–47, 149–55, 250

  39; moral dilemmas in, 108; philoso-

  lapel pins. See znachki

  phy behind, 309n29; pronouncements

  Lapirov-Skoblo, M. I., 34

  of, 23, 25, 160–61, 221; removal from

  Laptev, B. L., 182

  power of, 310n47; scholarship on, 6–7;

  launch sites, fake, 57–58, 113

  and secrecy, 51–53; “secret speech” of,

  League of Militant Atheists, 171, 297n60,

  221, 245; and space program, 5, 21–22,


  42, 66, 139, 203, 214; and superiority of Lehnhardt, Ernst, 254

  Soviet technology, 37; and truth-telling, Lenin, Vladimir, 79, 169, 229

  109–10, 120, 124; and women’s role,

  Lenin All-Union Pioneer Organization


  (Pioneers), 216, 230, 239

  Khrushchev, Sergei, 39, 40

  Leonov, Aleksei, 64, 72–73, 85, 86, 97, 99,

  326  Index

  Leonov, Aleksei, ( cont.) 103, 116–17, 171,

  Ministry of Post and Telegraph, 226, 233,

  226, 226, 237–38, 239, 310n48, 311n77


  Letchiki i kosmonavty (Pilots and cosmo-

  Ministry of the Defense Industry, 55

  nauts) (books), 64

  Mirovedenie (Study of the natural world)

  Letunov, Iurii, 62

  (journal), 32

  Lewis, Cathleen S., 8, 11–12, 26, 80, 104,

  Mitin, Mark Borisovich, 170–71, 189,



  Liriki-fiziki (lyrical poets vs. physicists), 41

  mobile planetariums, 181, 184, 187, 300n90

  Lisichka (dog), 152

  modernism, 214–16, 218–19, 238–39

  Literaturnaia gazeta (Literary gazette)

  modernity, 162

  (journal), 40, 41

  moon landing, 24, 102

  Litskii, V. K., 232

  moon probes, Soviet, 55

  Lollabrigida, Gina, 285n60

  morality, Khrushchev’s Third Party Pro-

  Los Angeles Times (newspaper), 251

  gram and, 177

  Lovell, Bernard, 251–52

  Moscow House of Scientific Atheism, 180,

  Lukina, Ul’iana Andreevna, 192–93


  Luna (space probe), 5

  Moscow News (newspaper), 205

  lying. See falsehoods and fakes

  Moscow Planetarium, 174–75, 180, 232,

  Lysenko, Trofim, 3


  Moscow Scientific Research Institute of

  Maiakovskii, Vladimir, 34; “Listen!,” 159

  Reactive Motion (RNII), 38–39

  Main Directorate for the Protection of Mili- Moscow Society for the Study of Interplan-tary and State Secrets in Print, 53

  etary Communication, 34

  Maksimov, Aleksei, 57

  Moscow Society of Amateur Astronomers,

  Malek, 147


  Malinovsky (defense minister), 39

  Moscow Society of Inventors, 34

  Malyshka (dog), 139

  Mozzhorin, Iurii, 58–62, 70

  Mao Zedong, 147

  Mytishchinsk Experimental and Souvenir

  Marfusha (rabbit), 141, 147

  Factory, 237

  Mashinostroenie publishing house, 63

  McDougall, Walter A., 155

  Na beregu vselennoi (On the coast of the

  media, in GDR, 248–49, 254–61. See also

  universe) (book), 64


  Naan, G., 189

  memorabilia. See collecting

  Narkompros, 50

  Meshchersky, I. V., 30

  Nashi kosmicheskie puti (Our space way)

  Meshukov, Petr Alekseevich, 188

  (book), 64

  middle childhood, development in, 303n6

  National Aeronautics and Space Admin-

  Mikhailovsky Artillery Academy, 30

  istration (NASA), 27, 165, 211–12, 228,

  Militant Atheists. See League of Militant

  252, 256, 306n66


  National Canine Defense League (Eng-

  military: secrecy surrounding, 55–57; space

  land), 140, 149

  program and, 18–23, 38–39, 55, 62, 100, National Society for Medical Research, 150

  111, 114

  Nauka i religiia (Science and religion) (jour-

  Military-Industrial Commission, 60

  nal), 179–80

  minimalism, 218–19

  Neliubov, Grigorii, 71

  Ministry of Defense, 58, 60, 92, 97, 100,

  Nel’nikov, N. A., 275n46


  Nelson, Amy, 8, 10, 22

  Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 92

  neoconstructivism, 215–16

  Ministry of General Machine Building, 55

  Index  327

  Neues Deutschland (newspaper), 256, 261,

  Petrov, Evgenii, 175


  Picasso, Pablo, 110

  New Economic Policy (NEP), 50, 220,

  Pioneer (spacecraft), 307n3


  Pioneers. See Lenin All-Union Pioneer

  New Soviet Man, 80, 81, 82, 84, 89, 95, 97


  New Soviet Woman, 195

  Pioner (magazine), 224, 227, 230

  New York Herald Tribune (newspaper), 251

  Pionerskaia pravda (newspaper), 198–201,

  New York Mirror (newspaper), 251


  New York Times (newspaper), 139, 251

  Pius XI, Pope, 174

  NII-4 (Ministry of Defense institute), 58, 59 Plamper, Jan, 70

  Nikolaev, Andrian, 5, 84, 87, 91, 103, 163,

  planetariums, 174–75, 179, 180–84, 187,

  197, 225, 237

  298n67, 298n68, 300n90, 300n93

  Nixon, Richard M., 213, 222

  Pokrovskii, K. D., 32

  N-1 (rocket), 102

  Pokrovsky, Alexei, 138–39

  Novikov, Aleksandr, 94

  Poland, 93

  Novosti press agency, 60, 65

  Politburo. See Presidium of the Supreme

  nuclear weapons, 22–23, 39

  Soviet of the USSR

  Polytechnic Museum, Moscow, 32–33

  Oberth, Hermann, 34

  Popovich, Marina, 86

  Odintsov, Mikhail, 100

  Popovich, Pavel, 5, 84, 86, 91, 97–98, 163,

  Ogonek (Little flame) (journal), 40, 52, 84,

  225, 237

  140, 142, 200, 201, 202, 207, 208

  populace: atheism and, 165–68,

  Onisim, Archbishop of Vladimir-Suzdal,

  295n30; cosmic interests of, 4, 8;


  religious attitudes of, 186–93; scientific

  Oppenheimer, J. Robert, 131

  interests of, 3–4, 17–18; space program

  ornamentalism, 218, 308n18

  interests of, 10–12, 21, 30–35, 40–41,

  Orthodox Church. See Russian Orthodox

  43–44, 52–53, 103, 135–36


  postage stamps. See stamp collecting

  Osipov, Aleksandr, 184

  Postnikov, Grigorii, 84

  Ostroumov, G. N., 275n46

  Powers, Francis Gary, 147

  Otvazhnaia (dog), 141, 146, 147

  Pravda (newspaper), 5, 40, 127, 128, 208

  Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the

  palekh-style miniatures, 307n14

  USSR, 60–61, 92, 205

  Palmer, Scott W., 3

  press: and space program, 62–63, 251–54;

  Parin, Vasili V., 203

  Western, 251–52; and woman cosmo-

  Party Central Committee, 92

  nauts, 195–212. See also media, in GDR

  Pavlov, Ivan, 134, 150–51

  Priroda i liudi (Nature and people) (jour-

  Pelevin, Viktor, 159, 194

  nal), 34

  Perel’man, Ia. I., 33–34; Mezhplanetnye

  propaganda: atheist, 171, 173, 184–85, 193;

  puteshestviia (Interplanetary travel),

  cosmonauts and, 94–95, 105; institu-

  33; Zanimatel’naia nauka (Science for

  tional direction of, 278n14; science and

  entertainment), 33

  technology, 38, 43; space-related, 22, 38,

  personality cult, 53, 109, 126, 218, 278n14

  43, 59–60, 79, 83, 105, 214, 216, 251,

  Pervukhin, Mikhail, 247

  256, 282n156; stamps as, 223–24

  Peskov, V. M., 275n46

  Protazanov, Iakov, Aelita, 35

  Pestraia (dog), 141

  pseudonyms, for writing about space

  Peter I, Tsar, 29

  program, 67

  Petersburg Pyrotechnic Laboratory, 30

  purges, 20, 38, 53

  Petrov, Boris, 66

  Pushinka (dog), 144

  328  Index

  Rabotnitsa (newspaper), 203

  science fiction, 4, 18, 25, 31–32, 35

  Radkevich, Gazenko, 142

  scientific materialism, 161, 170, 174–75,

  Radkevich, Liudmila, 142

  177, 180, 193

  Rafikov, Mars, 82

  secrecy: under Brezhnev, 53; censorship

  Raleigh, Donald J., 25

  and, 49–54, 58–63, 70; characteristics

  Reagan, Ronald, 131

  of, 275n49; conspiracy and, 130; de-

  Rebrov, Mikhail, 62

  fined, 272n1; institutional reasons for,

  Reid, Susan, 11, 214, 222, 305n45

  55; in Khrushchev era, 51–53; military,

  religion: atheist attacks on, 171–75, 178–93,

  55–57; in NEP era, 50–51; positive func-

  296n55; Khrushchev’s campaign

  tion of, 75–76; for protection of Soviet

  against, 11, 166, 176–77, 183–84, 192;

  reputation, 54, 63–66, 75–76, 128; ra-

  persistence of, 161–62, 176, 182–93;

  tionales for, 54–58; space program and,

  popular attitudes toward, 186–93;

  8–9, 48–76, 111–12, 126, 137, 145–46,

  science vs., 171–75, 183–93; sociology

  216, 225, 227; under Stalinism, 51;

  of, 186; space exploration as challenge

  strategies for, 63–74; tensions concern-

  to, 163–69; Stalinism and, 175; United

  ing, 9, 75

  States and, 165–66

  SED. See Socialist Unity Party (German

  Research Hero Dog program, 150

  Democratic Republic; SED)

  Ride, Sally, 211

  Sedov, Leonid, 66

  rocketry, 18–21, 29–36, 38–39

  Semena (Seed) (magazine), 227, 230

  Rolf, Malte, 37

  Semichastnyi, Vladimir, 101, 282n155

  Romanov, Aleksandr, 62

  Sergeevich, Nikita, 209

  Roxburgh, Angus, 275n49

  Seriapin, Alexander, 137

  R7 missile, 20–21, 23, 39, 138

  Sevast’ianov, Vitalii, 117

  Rusanov, Nikolai Fedorovich, 167–68

  sexism, 209, 211

  Russian Amateur Astronomy Society, 32

  Shatalov, Vladimir, 63, 65–66, 103

  Russian Orthodox Church, 175–76

  Shcherbatov, Stanislav, 205

  Rynin, N. A., 33

  Shcherbinsk Smelting Factory, 234

  Shepard, Alan, 252

  Sagdeev, Roald Z., 43

  shestidesiatniki (1960s generation), 25–26

  Saint Petersburg Rocket Institute, 30

  Shevliakov, I. F., 182–83

  Sandle, Mark, 300n81

  Shipilov, Ivan, 52–53

  satellites, 24, 138. See also Sputnik; sputniks Shmidt, Otto, 31

  Satjukow, Silke, 253

  Shonin, Georgii, 110

  Saussure, Ferdinand de, 69

  Siddiqi, Asif A., 3–4, 8–9, 22, 173, 282n156

  Savitskaya, Svetlana, 211

  Siegelbaum, Lewis H., 3

  Schnitzler, Karl Eduard von, 248

  Siniavskii, M., 298n67

  science: Bolshevism and, 2, 172; curricu-

  Skylab (spacecraft), 145

  lum for, 210, 306n61; discoveries in,

  Smirnov, Leonid, 39

  42–43, 271n56; and enlightenment,

  Smithsonian Institution National Air and

  172–75, 182, 297n58; popular inter-

  Space Museum, 229

  est in, 3–4, 17–18; popularization of

  Smolkin-Rothrock, Victoria, 8, 10–11

  spaceflight through, 33; religion vs.,

  socialism: achievements and promises of,

  171–75, 183–93; scholarship on, 3; in

  27, 44, 75–76, 90, 205, 241; in GDR,

  Soviet Union, 2–3; and utopianism, 2,

  241–47, 260–61

  169, 172–73, 297n59; women and, 199, socialist realism, 160, 218

  203–5, 207–11; in World War II, 19–20

  Socialist Unity Party (German Democratic

  Science and Religion (journal), 163, 165, 166,

  Republic; SED), 242–46, 260


  Society for the Dissemination of Scientific

  Index  329

  and Political Knowledge, 175. See also

  spacewalks, 64, 103, 171, 226, 237, 237–38,

  All-Union “Knowledge” Society


  Sokolov, Andrei, 72

  Der Spiegel (newspaper), 256

  Sokolsky, V. N., 29

  Sputnik (satellite), 1, 4–5, 147; impact of, 5,

  Solzhenitsyn, Alexander, 108, 109

  21–22, 24, 26–27; launch of, 39, 42, 55,

  Soviet Strategic Rocket Forces, 55

  57, 145–46; publicity about, 48, 139

  Soviet Union of Architects, 218

  sputniks (satellites), 21, 24, 234–35

  Soyuz (spacecraft), 102, 103, 226

  Stakhanov, Aleksei, 105

  space program and space exploration: cel-

  Stakhanovites, 104–5

  ebrations of, 5, 40, 42, 77–78, 90, 103,

  Stalin, Joseph, and Stalinism, 88; cosmic

  206, 216; censorship of, 58–63; collect-

  culture under, 36–43; negative impact

  ibles associated with, 214–39, 307n14;

  of, 5, 25; personality cult of, 109, 126;

  contradictions in ( see tensions/c

  and religion, 175; science under, 3, 136;

  dictions in); criticisms of, 41, 57; decline

  and secrecy, 51; and space program, 43;

  of, 102–4; designers of, 53, 66–67, 70,

  and superiority of Soviet technology, 37

  94, 102, 146; dogs in, 133–55; dystopic

  stamp collecting, 217, 219, 308n20

  views of, 194; expenditures on, 16–17;

  Stites, Richard, 90, 297n58

  failures in, refusal to acknowledge,

  Strategic Missile Forces, 100

  63–66; falsehoods and fakes concern-

  Strelka (dog), 133, 142–43, 143, 144, 147–48,

  ing, 57–58, 72–73, 73; “father” of, 8,

  151, 152, 250

  38–39, 42, 48, 174, 266n23; firsts in,

  superstition, 164, 178, 187, 296n54

  5, 23–24, 101, 163, 191, 250; ideologi-

  Suslov, Mikhail, 48, 85

  cal value of, 38, 79, 81, 83–84, 88–89,

  Svet (journal), 129

  160–61, 193–94, 241–42; international Sylvester, Roshanna P., 8, 11, 27

  impact of, 26–27; master narrative

  of, 69–70, 74; meaning of, in Soviet

  Taneev, V., 31

  Union, 1–2, 4–5; military and, 18–23,

  Taranovskii, L. A., 190

  38–39, 55, 62, 100, 111, 114; origins of,

  Tarkovsky, Andrei, Solaris, 88

  21; philosophical/religious significance TASS. See Telegraph Agency of the Soviet of, 161–71, 188–94, 295n37; popular


  interest in, 5, 10–12, 21, 30–35, 40–41,

  technology. See science

  43–44, 52–53, 103, 135–36; propaganda

  Tekhnika (Technology) (journal), 36

  about, 22, 38, 43, 59–60, 79, 83, 94–95, Tekhnika-molodezhi (Technology for youth) 105, 214, 216, 251, 256, 282n156 ( see also

  (journal), 52

  publicity about); publicity about, 39–40, Telegraph Agency of the Soviet Union 48, 58–63, 65–74 ( see also censorship of;

  (TASS), 48, 58–61, 139, 140, 142, 237

  propaganda about); rhetoric concerning, Tereshkova, Valentina, 5, 11, 55, 84, 87, 92, 1–2, 36, 42; scholarship on, 5–6; secrecy

  94, 99, 103, 195–200, 196, 202–11, 204,

  of, 8–9, 48–76, 111–12, 126, 137, 145–


  46, 216, 225, 227; space travel research

  theater, 298n68

  in, 136–45; spokespersons for, 66–67,

  Third Party Program, 160–61, 177,

  146; stamps commemorating, 223–27;

  299n80, 300n81

  state and, 8–10; tensions/contradic-

  Third World, 93

  tions in, 9, 22, 37, 41, 49, 64, 72–73, 75; Tian-Shanskii, Petr Petrovich Semenov-, 31

  znachki commemorating, 227, 231–38.

  Tikhonravov, Mikhail, 18, 21, 138, 146

  See also cosmic culture; rocketry

  Timasheff, Nicholas, 36

  spacecraft, fake, 72–73, 73, 225–26

  Times (London) (newspaper), 141

  spaceflight. See first manned spaceflight

  Titov, German, 5, 12, 73, 82–84, 86, 91, 93,