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  um, specializing in Soviet and Russian programs. Her current research

  is on the history of the public and popular culture of the early years of

  human spaceflight in the Soviet Union. She has completed degrees in

  Russian and East European Studies at Yale University and holds a PhD

  in history from George Washington University. Lewis’s dissertation and

  current book project is “The Rise and Fall of the Red Stuff: A History of

  Russian Cosmic Enthusiasm.”

  Amy Nelson is associate professor of history at Virginia Tech. She is

  the author of Music for the Revolution: Musicians and Power in Early Soviet Russia (2004) and the recipient of the Heldt Prize for the Best Book by a Woman in any area of Slavic/East European/Eurasian Studies, awarded

  by the Association for Women in Slavic Studies in 2005. Her recent ar-

  ticles have focused on Soviet pet keeping, the animal protection move-

  ment in imperial Russia, and the cultural legacy of Laika the space dog.

  She is writing a collective biography of the Soviet space dogs and is editor

  (with Jane Costlow) of The Other Animals: Beyond the Human in Russian

  Culture and History (2010) .

  Victoria Smolkin-Rothrock holds a PhD in modern Russian histo-

  ry from the University of California at Berkeley (2010) and is currently an

  assistant professor of Russian history at Wesleyan University. Her publi-

  cations in English and Russian include articles in the journal Neprikos-

  novennyi zapas: Debaty o politike i kul’ture and the book Petersburg/Petersburg: Novel and City (edited by Olga Matich) Smolkin-Rothrock’s current book project is tentatively titled “A Sacred Space Is Never Empty: Scientific Atheism, Socialist Rituals, and the Soviet Way of Life, 1954–1991.”

  Roshanna P. Sylvester is associate professor of Russian history at

  DePaul University, where she has been director of graduate studies in

  320  Contributors

  history. She is the author of Tales of Old Odessa: Crime and Civility in a

  City of Thieves (2005). Her articles have appeared in Slavic Review, the Journal of Urban History, and the Jahrbücher für Geschichte Osteuropas.

  Sylvester’s current book project is a comparative study of girls, science,

  and technology in Cold War America and the Soviet Union.


  Note: Illustrations are indicated by page

  Arkhipova, Matrena Petrovna, 188

  numbers in italic type.

  Armstrong, Neil, 24

  art, space-related, 72–73

  Der Abend (newspaper), 251

  astronomy, 32, 173–74, 298n63

  Academy of Sciences, 42, 58, 60, 114, 143,

  atheism, 10–11, 161–94; education oriented


  to, 175–86, 193, 296n55, 300n84; under

  Adenauer, Konrad, 248

  Khrushchev, 176–77; planetariums and,

  Agitation and Propaganda Department,

  180–84, 300n90; popular embrace of,

  Party Central Committee, 278n14

  165–68, 173, 295n30; religion under

  Agranovskii, Anatalii, 73

  attack from, 171–75, 178–93, 296n55;

  Air Force, 52, 97

  space exploration and, 161–71, 188–94,

  Air Force Engineering Academy, 91

  295n37; under Stalinism, 175–76,

  Albina (dog), 139

  299n75; state-promoted, 171–80; vulgar,

  Alexander II, Tsar, 34


  All-Russian Choral Society, 233

  Atlantic Advocate (newspaper), 252

  All-Union “Knowledge” Society, 179–82,

  atomic bomb. See nuclear weapons

  185. See also Society for the Dissemina-

  Austria, 255

  tion of Scientific and Political Knowl-

  “Aviation March” (song), 77–78


  aviators, of 1930s, 69, 78, 82, 104, 105, 160,

  Andrews, James T., 3, 7–8, 17–18, 172,


  282n156, 296n54

  Aviatsiia i kosmonavtika (Aviation and

  Angelina, Pasha, 208

  cosmonautics) (journal), 52

  Apollo-Soyuz Test Project, 228


  322  Index

  Baikonur, Kazakhstan, 57–58, 113

  censorship, 49–54, 58–63, 70

  Barber, John, 56–57

  Central Committee, Communist Party, 53,

  Bardin, Ivan, 66

  54, 61, 62, 66, 186, 205

  Barnaul Planetarium, 300n93

  Central Design Bureau of Experimental

  Barshch, M., 298n67

  Machine Building, 56

  Beliaev, Pavel, 65, 85, 225, 226, 310n48,

  Central Design Bureau of Machine Build-


  ing, 56

  Belianka (dog), 141

  Central Scientific-Research Institute of Ma-

  Belka (dog), 133, 142, 143, 147, 151, 152, 250

  chine Building (TsNIIMash), 59–60

  Beregovoi, Georgii, 103

  Charlie (dog), 144

  Berger, Peter, 164

  Chernushka (dog), 143, 144

  Berlin Wall, 12, 240, 248–49, 251, 257, 261

  Chertok, Boris, 152

  Berliner Zeitung (newspaper), 256

  Chicago Daily Tribune (newspaper), 252, 254

  Bezbozhnik (journal), 173, 297n61

  Chikolev, V. N., 31

  Bezbozhnik airplanes, 297n60, 297n61

  childhood development, 303n6

  Blagonravov, Anatolii, 66, 152

  Chizhevskii, Alexander, 16–17

  Blium, A. V., 50

  Chkalov, Valerii, 105

  Bochek, A. V., 32

  Chukrai, Grigory, Ballad of a Soldier, 110

  Bogdanov, A., Red Star, 35

  Clark, Katerina, 104

  Bolshevism: and censorship, 50; and

  Colbert, Stephen, 108

  science, 2, 172; secularization by, 171,

  Cold War: balance of power in, 20–23; dogs


  in space and, 10, 133–35, 147, 150, 154;

  Bondarenko, Vladimir, 82, 102

  military secrecy during, 39, 55, 60; and

  Borzenko, S. A., 275n46

  science education, 210; space program

  Boym, Svetlana, 145, 200, 297n59

  and, 5, 7, 22, 160, 165, 205, 251–53;

  Brandenberger, David, 36

  Titov’s German visit and, 240–43, 249,

  Brandt, Willy, 248

  255–61; women’s role during, 195, 197,

  Brezhnev, Leonid, 40, 44, 53, 100, 101, 103,

  200, 207–10

  110, 125, 129, 197, 282n155

  collecting, 11–12, 217, 219–38

  Bridger, Sue, 211

  collecting societies, 215, 219

  British Association for the Advancement

  Collins, Eileen, 211

  of Science, 16

  Communist Youth League, 41

  Brooks, Jeffrey, 76, 296n54, 309n29

  Communist Youth Organization (Komso-

  Bruno, Giordano, 174

  mol), 171, 185, 216, 307n10

  Bykovskii, Valerii, 84, 91, 195, 204–5, 208, constructivism, 215–16, 218, 238

  209, 237

  consumerism, 11–12, 26, 213–39; aesthet-

  ics of, 214–16, 218–19; and collecting,

  CARC. See Council on the Affairs of Reli-

  219–38; Marxist interpretation of, 221;

  gious Cults

  meanings of, 214–19, 221; opposition

  CAROC. See Council on the Affairs of the

  to, 217, 220–21; and stamp collecting,

  Russian Orthodox Church

  223–27; toleration of, 220
; “unmet

  Carpenter, Scott, 141

  demand” interpretation of, 221

  cartoons, 201–2

  contingency, eliminated from space pro-

  catastrophism, 17

  gram narratives, 63–66

  Catholic Church, 173–74

  Copernicus, Nicolaus, 174

  CBS (television network), 131

  cosmic culture: catastrophism and, 17;

  celebrations, of space program achieve-

  during Cold War, 39–43; Communist

  ments, 5, 40, 42, 77–78, 90, 103, 206,

  ideology and, 160; contemporary,


  24; foundations of, 29–36; scientific

  Index  323

  enlightenment and, 163–69, 172–75; in dogs, 10, 133–67; as boundary objects,

  Soviet Union, 4, 8, 24–25, 28–44; un-

  134–35, 154–55; as heroes, 134, 149–50,

  der Stalinism, 36–39; utopianism and,

  153–54; human relations with, 135,

  18. See also space program and space

  151–52, 154–55; news coverage of,


  138–40, 142–43, 146–49; as pets, 149;

  cosmic horror, 170–71

  as research subjects, 134, 136–45,

  Cosmism, 169, 173

  150–53; in space, 136–45; training of,

  Cosmonaut Training Center, 82, 84, 86,

  152; treatment of, 151

  88, 96, 99–100

  Dovgal, Ivan Andreevich, 165

  Cosmonautics Day, 15, 24, 83

  cosmonauts: appearance of, 84; and athe-

  East Germany. See German Democratic

  ism, 163, 165–67, 185, 188–89, 191–92;


  backgrounds of, 81–82; behavior of,

  education: atheist, 175–86, 193, 296n55,

  96–98, 116–18; biographies of, 87–88;

  300n84; science and math curriculum,

  communicative constraints on, 64–69,

  210, 306n61

  111–12; compensation of, 96–97; contra- Egorov, Boris, 311n77

  dictory representations of, 80; cultural

  Ehrenburg, Il’ia, 41–42

  instruction of, 86; effect of space travel Einstein, Albert, 169

  on, 170–71; erosion of myth of, 102–4;

  Eliseev, Aleksei, 103

  identity of, 9–10; media treatment of,

  enlightenment: atheist-based, 179–82;

  252–54; outspokenness of, 99–101;

  civilizing agenda of, 293n8; political,

  oversight of lives of, 84–87; personal

  175–76; scientific, 172–76, 182, 297n58;

  qualities of, 88–89; photographs of, 71,

  space travel and, 163–69

  72, 84; politics of, 98, 100–101; portraits Eremenko, Anatolii, 60–62

  of, 84; public pressures on, 90–95;

  Etkind, Alexander, 10

  public role/image of, 25–26, 64–69, 71, Experimental Design Bureau-I (Opytno-

  72, 79–95, 101–6, 159–60, 193–94, 253,

  konstruktorskoe biuro-I, OKB-I), 55

  314n56; role of, 41; tension in roles of,

  explorers and exploration, cultural signifi-

  105–6. See also women cosmonauts

  cance of, 8, 28, 31, 44, 79, 277n7

  Council of Ministers, 55, 59, 61, 66

  Council on Religious Affairs, 178

  falerists, 228

  Council on the Affairs of Religious Cults

  falsehoods and fakes, 73; broadcasts,

  (CARC), 176, 178, 185, 190

  73; duty and, 111–15; Gagarin and,

  Council on the Affairs of the Russian Or-

  107–32; ideal communists and, 110–11;

  thodox Church (CAROC), 176, 178, 185

  Khrushchev and, 109–10, 120, 124;

  Crowley, David, 214

  launch sites, 57–58, 113; photographs,

  Cuban Missile Crisis, 23, 114

  71, 72–74; politicians and, 107–8; space-

  cultural intelligentsia, 41–42

  craft, 72–73, 73, 225–26; truth-lies, 107,

  Czechoslovakia, 255

  119–21, 123–25, 130–31

  Fédération Aeronautique Internationale

  Danilova, E., 167

  (FAI), 57

  De Gaulle, Charles, 248

  Fedorov, Evgenii, 66, 68, 274n34

  Denisov, N. N. (Nikolai), 208, 275n46

  Fedorov, Nikolai, 136

  Department of Propaganda, Central Com-

  Feldmann, Klaus, 248

  mittee, Communist Party, 54

  Feodorov, Nikolai, 173

  de-Stalinization, 26, 79, 83, 104–5, 120,

  Feoktistov, Konstantin, 90, 311n77

  124, 176, 214, 218, 221, 238, 245

  Finkel’shtein, Leonid, 274n33

  Dezik (dog), 137

  first manned spaceflight, 23–24, 77, 90,

  Dobrysheva, Anna Ivanovna, 187–88

  112, 114, 163, 224–25, 235–36, 250

  324  Index

  Fitzpatrick, Sheila, 9, 75

  Gerovitch, Slava, 8, 9, 41, 64

  Fokin, Iurii, 62

  Gilberg, Lev, 63

  Fraser, Erica, 304n20, 305n54

  girls: as newspaper audience, 198; op-

  Free German Trade Union Association, 256

  portunities for, 196–97, 202–3, 205–12;

  Free German Youth, 249, 256

  roles for, 199, 206–9, 305n54; space

  futurism, 35

  enthusiasm of, 200–202

  Glavlit, 58–59

  Gagarin, Elena, 131

  Glavlit (Main Administration for Literary

  Gagarin, Valentin, 115; cars of, 85, 117;

  and Publishers’ Issues), 49–54

  personal life of, 116–24

  Glebov, Anatolii, 35–37

  Gagarin, Yuri, 71, 113; achievements of, 1,

  Glenn, John, 99

  15, 23, 40, 55, 57, 59, 126, 143–44, 163,

  Glushko, Valentin, 18, 20, 43–44, 70, 146

  250, 284n22; and atheism, 163, 165–67, Goddard, Robert, 34

  190, 295n26, 295n30; background of,

  Golikov, Aleksei, 207

  81–82, 109; cars of, 116, 117; collectibles Golovachev, V., 275n46

  associated with, 224–25, 235–36, 236,

  Golovanov, Iaroslav, 54, 66–67, 68, 89,

  307n14; daughter of, 131; death of, 102,


  104, 127–30; and duty, 111–15; experi-

  Gorbachev, Mikhail, 25–26, 43, 127

  ence of, during space flight, 170–71;

  Goregliad, Leonid, 82

  father of, 115; mother of, 121; outspo-

  Gorky/Nizhnyi Novgorod Planetarium,

  kenness of, 99–100; personal life of,


  9–10, 96, 114, 127, 131, 314n56; personal Gorlizki, Yorlam, 51

  qualities of, 88; as public figure, 5, 12,

  Graham, Loren, 3, 44, 90, 295n26

  44, 68, 73, 77–79, 83–86, 88–90, 109,

  Grant, Jonathan, 223

  118–27, 131, 160, 200, 253, 254, 314n56; Great Retreat, 36

  public pressures on, 92–96, 103,

  Grechko, Andrei, 62

  121–24; rumors concerning, 128–30;

  Gries, Rainer, 253

  and truth/lies, 107–8, 110–32; wife of,

  Grissom, Gus, 252

  79, 107, 114–16, 118, 120–22

  Group for the Study of Reactive Motion

  Galileo Galilei, 174

  (GIRD), 38

  Gan, Aleksey, 174, 298n68

  Groys, Boris, 194

  Gazenko, Oleg, 138, 152

  Gubarev, Vladimir, 62

  GDR. See German Democratic Republic

  Gumbert, Heather L., 8, 12

  Geertz, Clifford,

  Gemini ( spacecraft), 100, 237

  Havel, Vaclav, 110

  gender equality, 205–11

  Hellbeck, Jochen, 9

  General Staff, 88

  Hennecke, Adolf, 253

  Gerasimov, N. V., 30

  hobbies, 217. See also collecting

  German, Alexei, Jr., A Paper Soldier, 24

  Hoffman, David, 36

  German Democratic Republic (GDR), 12,

  Hungary, 245–46, 255

  240–61; border crossing and closure

  in, 244, 247–49, 250, 254, 257, 259–61, Iaroslavskii, Emelian, 297n55

  312n12; cultural transformation in,

  Iastrebov, Vladimir, 57

  246–47; economic transformation in,

  ICBMs. See intercontinental ballistic mis-

  243–45; media narratives in, 248–49,


  254–61; political challenges in, 243–51; identity, 9–10

  socialism in, 241–47, 260–61; Titov

  Il’f, Il’ia, 175

  and, 240–43, 249, 253–61

  immortality, 33, 136, 171, 297n58

  Germany, and rocketry, 18–19

  India, 93, 94

  Index  325

  Institute for Aviation Medicine, 136

  Kibalchich, N., 34

  Institute of Scientific Atheism, 186

  Kiev Planetarium, 300n93

  intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMs), “kitchen debate,” 213, 222, 309n32

  20–21, 57, 260

  Kleimenov, I. T., 39

  International Union of Students, 231

  Kliueva-Roskin affair, 51

  Iskatel’ (Adventurer) (journal), 52

  “Knowledge” Society. See All-Union

  Iunost’ (Youth) (journal), 52

  “Knowledge” Society

  Iunyi tekhnik (Junior technician) (journal),

  Kojevnikov, Alexei, 7


  Kolman, Ernst, 169, 295n39, 296n40

  Izvestiia (newspaper), 40, 127, 167, 204

  Komarov, Vladimir, 102, 226, 311n77

  Kommunist (The communist) (journal),

  Jenks, Andrew, 8, 9–10

  40, 167

  Joravsky, David, 3

  Komsomol. See Communist Youth Orga-

  Josephson, Paul, 42


  Journal of Experimental Medicine, 150

  Komsomol’skaia pravda (newspaper), 40, 125

  Konovalov, B. P., 275n46

  Kabakov, Il’ia, “The Man Who Flew to

  Konstantinov, Konstantin I., 30

  Space from His Apartment,” 194

  Korolev, Sergei, 18, 20–22, 38–39, 42, 53,

  Kamanin, Nikolai, 52, 65, 82–89, 91–101,

  55, 56, 58, 73, 102, 122–23, 136–39, 146,

  104–5, 111–12, 116–18, 120, 123–24

  152, 174, 237, 250, 266n23

  Kamenshchikov, Nikolai Petrovich, 173,

  Kosmodemyanskaya, Zoya, 208


  Kosmos (spacecraft), 145

  Karpov, Evgenii, 88